Friday, March 7, 2014

Use Chrome Extension to Replay Web Request


When I am doing web develop, I hope there would be a tool to replay a web request I have just sent out. And it would be better if I can modify the header/ form data before send the replay out. So I made some Google and found some useful tools.

Fiddler can do as what I want, it is a great tool to record and replay http/https tracffic of your browser but it has two disadvantages:

  1. You need to install Fiddler client first.
  2. You need to set browser's proxy to Fiddler.

Chrome has its own network recorder in develop tools. It can record all web requests and you can replay any request by one click but you can not modify request headers before replay.

There are also some chrome apps(such as Dev HTTP Client and Postman) to send customized web request but you need to construct request URL/Form data all by yourself.

I think it can be easier to use if we have a browser extension to record what you have sent out and let you replay this request and allow you to modify the header/form data before replay. So I developed the chrome extension: Replay


  1. Record all web request and response headers happened in one tab.
  2. Replay web request user specified and show response header and bodies.
  3. Modify form data before send out the request.
  4. Check response body.
Any suggestions, please do not hesitate to leave comments.